VivaCity Funds

The Company is an umbrella investment company with variable capital (société d'investissement à capital variable) incorporated under the form of a société anonyme in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. It qualifies as a UCITS under Part I of the 2010 Law. As an umbrella structure, the Company may operate separate Sub-Funds, each being distinguished among others by their specific investment policy or any other specific feature as further detailed in the relevant Sub-Fund Particular. Within each Sub-Fund, different Classes with characteristics detailed in the relevant Sub-Fund Particular may be issued.

The Company constitutes a single legal entity, but the assets of each Sub-Fund are segregated from those of the other Sub-Fund(s) in accordance with the provisions of article 181 of the 2010 Law. This means that the assets of each Sub-Fund shall be invested for the Shareholders of the corresponding Sub-Fund and that the assets of a specific Sub-Fund are solely accountable for the liabilities, commitments and obligations of that Sub-Fund.

Investments objectives and policies of the company and the sub-funds

The Company seeks to provide a range of Sub-Fund(s) with the purpose of spreading investment risk and satisfying the requirements of investors seeking to gain capital growth as detailed for each Sub-Fund in the relevant Sub-Fund Particular. In pursuing the investment objectives of the Sub-Funds, the Board of Directors seeks, at all times, to maintain an appropriate level of liquidity in the assets of the relevant Sub-Fund so that redemptions of Shares under normal circumstances may be made without undue delay upon request by the Shareholders.

Whilst using their best endeavours to attain the investment objectives, the Board of Directors cannot guarantee the extent to which these objectives will be achieved. The value of the Shares and the income from them can fall as well as rise and investors may not realise the value of their initial investment. Changes in the rates of exchange between currencies may also cause the value of the Shares to diminish or to increase.

Risk considerations

Investment in any Sub-Fund carries with it a degree of risk. Potential investors should read the Prospectus in its entirety, read the relevant Key Investor Information Document and consult with their legal, tax and financial advisors prior to making a decision to invest.

There can be no assurance that the Sub-Fund(s) of the Company will achieve their investment objectives and past performance should not be seen as a guide to future returns. An investment may also be affected by any changes in exchange control regulation, tax laws, withholding taxes and economic or monetary policies.

More information about the asset manager Andbank Asset Management Luxembourg.

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